• Free, Simple Text to Speech Converter

    Free Text To Speech

    Text-to-Speech solution to convert any text into spoken words & audio files with natural sounding voices!


Convert Text to Authentic and Natural Spoken Voice

Coolest free TTS converter to read your text from PDF, website, email, eBooks and more out loud, with the most natural and pleasant human voice. You can either input text files or enter the text manually. The vocalized text can be saved into MP3, WMA, WAV and other key audio formats for usage in PC, iPod and many other devices and apps.


Accurate and Adjustable Voice to Express Emotion & Intend

You are allowed to change the reading speed and volume of the voice. Our TTS software also has an excellent understanding of the meaning of the text you import, making it possible to perfectly express the tone and emotion.


Create Your Own Audiobooks

You neither have to suffer from the lacking of audio version of your beloved novels, regular short stories or any other books nor buy audiobook of the textual book you already have. Free Text To Speech can turn any of your text into audiobooks and save you effort holding a book or e-reader in your hand.


Make Education & Proofreading Easy

Free Text To Speech can create resourceful educational material from textbooks and class notes and it makes practicing listening skills efficient. Meanwhile, the efficiency of proofreading can be taken to another level.


Relax Your Eyes and Read with Your Ears

Why not ease your eyes after a day's hard work and sitting before computer screen? Our text to speech converter can help you restore the health of your eyes and enable you to "read" with your ears. Less computer eye strain and backache!


What you see is what you get

Download World's NO.1 Text to Speech Software


What can you do with Free Text To Speech

How to Convert Text to Speech and Spoken Audio?
How to Convert Text to Speech and Spoken Audio?

Whether you are looking for a way to learn a new language or to find your new voice, Free Text To Speech can be implemented in a variety of ways to help you achieve your goals. It can convert any text into spoken words and audio files in MP3, WMA, WAV and other audio formats with natural sounding voices. [More...]

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